Thursday, January 31, 2008

yay!! I got my waist bead back!!

Howdy bloggers!! thanks for those who participated in the meme of yesterday, i think catwalq's caption was really funny.. stick around my blog for more interesting ones.

my waist bead
so i finally got a waist bead yesterday. i had always had one before i left Nigeria, but my made me remove it before i left. actually i lived among yorubas who always made their little girls wear ileke idi( waist beads) and i had always liked to have one round my waist. i have no single idea what it is used for, some say its for making your butts grow bigger, well i wasn't really thinking of doing that, just thought it would be fun to ave an accessory round my waist since i am the queen of
so how did i get and lose my waist bead. i had a friend who studied in kaduna and always came around on holidays, so during her sisters wedding( few months before i left Nigeria, was still very young then) while we were dressing up and stuffs, i saw she had like a lot round her waist, so i asked her if she could hook me up wit some. So like a week after, she gave me like 4 and i happily put it round my waist, she got green and red colors for me.. ohh boy was i happy. i never allowed my parents to see it. i remember guys used to make fun of me that i already had big butts and i was making it worse by wearing a waist bead.
a week before i left nigeria i was siting with my mum gisting and watchn a movie, as the movie ended i got up to remove the disk and bent down, alas she saw my waist bead and screamed
mum: caramel, kiloshi to wa ni idi e yen( whats that rubbish round your waist)
caramel: ohh maryam gave me as a gift
mum: b4 i close my eyes, remove that nonsense from your waist... are you a prostitute.
mehn it wasnt funny, seh even asked me to get scissors and she removed it herself and threw it away. it was so sad. anyways i left naija and sometimes the memory of it would come back.
so last week i was chatting with one of my male online buddies, he asked me if i had extra piercings and i was like nope!! then he went ahead and asked if i had a waist bead or if i ever had one, that he noticed my big butts and he really finds it sexy round a girl.. i told him the story and i remembered i had actually seen something in the store that looked like it. so yesterday i got three and they all went round, I'm so happy with it again. woahh.. at least mumsi isnt here to call me a prostitute or even if she sees it, i doubt she would say anything. I'm getting 4 more by weekend.. cant wait to rock them by

weight loss
so i finally notice changes around my thighs, pants i wear now seem loose and even my cheeks have started reducing. I went to the gym yesterday and worked out for close to 2 hrs. My fitness instructor is so mehn those his abs are killer abs. i havent recorded what i ate in my food diary to calculate the amount of calories i had and burned. but heres a breakdown of what i ate yesterday
  • break-fast: oatmeal, low fat milk and sweetners. 1 half apple.
  • snack: i ate the other half apple
  • lunch: boiled chicken and stir fried mixed veggies
  • snack:1 mango shake
  • dinner: two loaves of white whole wheat bread.
  • consumed more than a liter of water.
3x thursdays # 1

1. As an adult, do you feel the same about holiday's off from work versus the way you felt when you got them off for school? How so/how not?

2. What about birthdays? Do you view them differently now as you get older? Why/why not?

3. New releases: Remember how psyched you were when you heard that your favorite band was coming out with a new album on a certain date? Do you still feel that same kind of excitement now? Why/why not?

remember to leave a comment at the comment section. thats it for now guys.. have a great day..mwahh
dont forget to come around tomorrow for TGIF where i would be sharing albums, songs, recipes and of course the weekly friday meme. and please invite more people to visit. XxXxxxx

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Welcome me!!

well i dont think i really need a welcome, been around blogsville for like 2 years. i had 2 blogs but deleted them. I have been going throuugh a lot of stuffs and i think i'm back to my rants and blogging urges again. A lot of stuffs would be featured here.
  • my journey down the weight loss road
  • rants and vents
  • memories
  • random posts
  • I would have memes where each day of the week would be for speacial memes
  1. Sunday seven- for giving thanks and/or for noting important events in our lives.
  2. Room 101-Room 101 is a place where you would find your worst fear.. or more specifically for this meme, something you despite, fear, hate or just don't like very much. People, places, things.. all welcome in room 101.
  3. Situation Tuesdays-a certain random/funny/ corny situation would be presented and responses would be made
  4. wednesday fill in/caption this pic- A fun, easy, fill-in the blank meme. a picture would be posted and you would caption it.
  5. 3x thursdays- Three questions dealing with the same topic.
  6. TGIF Five quick questions every Friday.
    Leave your info in the comments. At least to make it fun try and also participate, leaving the info in the comment section.
Anyways i hope i would stick to it.
So down to business..
I dont have anything to talk about today, except being tired and not able to go to the gym( i work out everyday) and i have an eight page eassy which i have to pass tomorrow about some stupid history ish.. anyways i'm on the third page now and 5 more to go..arghhhh.

Wednesday Fill In.# 1
1. The last compliment I got was from _____; he/she said _____.
2. I'm reading _____.
3. I woke up today and thought _____
My answers classmate; my shoe looked tight.
2. history book
3.i'm late.
Caption this pic # 1

My answer: wow!! i've got the whole world in my corny i knw)
Thats all for today guys. Pls leave comments and try to link peeps to this blog. Have a great day at work/ school.. mwah.